The Perfect Time to Have Your Protein Shakes

The Perfect Time to Have Your Protein Shakes

We’ve all wondered about the perfect time to have our protein shakes and which ones are best at different times of the day. Today, we’re going to share some simple guidelines for when and why you should have your shake.

Before we dive into the ideal moment to have your protein shake, it’s important to note that protein shakes are not illegal and they don’t have any negative effects on the body. Just like when we eat chicken or turkey, we need to take the same precautions. Protein supplements are not meant to replace meals, but rather to provide athletes with an extra boost of macronutrients at specific times and in specific ways that are not always possible with regular food.

Many of you may be hesitant to take supplements, as there has been much discussion about their potential harmful effects. However, this is only true if they are consumed in excess, just like eating too much chicken or drinking too much milk. It’s important to remember that protein shakes are not magical, and taking them alone won’t make you grow. It all depends on training hard and maintaining a proper diet.

Why Take Protein Shakes?

In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, it’s well-known that you should consume 2 grams of protein per kilogram of muscle your body has, although it is generally said as per total weight since not all of it is assimilated, and usually, we don’t know exactly how much muscle we have. The problem is that getting all your protein from natural sources like chicken or turkey is not always the most efficient way of doing it.

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For example, even if you had time to eat a good grilled fish fillet an hour before your workout, it’s not optimal because your body takes time to extract and assimilate that protein, and it wouldn’t be readily available at the precise moment you start your training. This is where protein shakes come in as a solution to this problem.

The Carbohydrate Content

Athletes who want to lose fat should consume protein shakes with the minimum possible amount of carbohydrates. There are many products on the market that have a relatively small amount, around 5 grams, which is used to add flavor to the product and to help the protein be assimilated more quickly.

It’s worth mentioning that there are also carbohydrate shakes available, which are primarily used to provide an extra amount of carbs during bulking phases. These shakes help ensure that the body always has enough glycogen and that no muscle mass is lost.

The Morning Shake

When we wake up in the morning, our body has gone without food for the entire night, which means our muscles may have started to catabolize since the glycogen level in the liver decreases considerably. To prevent this, we can have a protein shake containing fructose right after getting out of bed. This replenishes the liver’s glycogen level, and the quickly assimilated proteins (which take around 30 minutes to assimilate) go straight to our muscles.

What About Pre-Workout?

It’s a good time to have a shake that contains twice as many slow-digesting carbohydrates as protein. One way to do this is by having fruit, such as an apple, along with half a protein shake. The fructose in the fruit does not trigger insulin release, which would hinder the use of fat as fuel.

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This shake is not essential and is recommended for people who are doing strength or power training, in a bulking phase, or engage in a lot of cardio in their daily routine. However, during cutting or maintenance phases, you can do without it and just have the fruit to replenish glycogen without feeling too heavy before your workout.

The Perfect Moment

After finishing your workout, your muscles are depleted, and it’s important to replenish them with protein as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is with a protein shake since it assimilates in 30 minutes. Additionally, you need to replenish your glycogen stores since you’ve depleted them. The ideal approach is to combine both by having an energy drink (for quick carb recharge) or a banana immediately after your workout, followed by a protein shake.

The protein shakes we’ve discussed so far should be made from whey protein isolate, as it is rapidly absorbed and assimilated at the perfect moment. However, studies suggest that a blend of whey and casein protein (slow assimilation) after your workout results in better muscle gains compared to whey protein alone (fast assimilation).

The Casein Shake

Before going to bed, we know that our body will go without nutrients for a period of time, and it will use fat and muscle for energy. Although muscle loss is not significant for most people, individuals who compete or have clear goals can benefit from having a protein shake with slow-digesting protein (casein) and minimal carbohydrates at this time.

Images | Optimun Nutrition Website

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